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The success of early childhood education is the foundation for success at the next level. Early age is a "golden age" for someone, does it mean when someone at that time get the proper education, he obtained a good learning readiness, which is one key to the success of their learning at the next level.
Awareness of the importance of early childhood is quite high in developed countries, while in Indonesia only take place at 10 years ago, and up to the current lack of recognition of society as well as education practitioners
. Martin Luther (1483 - 1546)
According to Martin Luther's main goal is to teach religious school, and family is an important institution in the education of children.
Martin Luther's thinking is in line with the aim of madrasa (Islamic schools) that Islamic religious education, where science and technology is an integral part of Islam. Thus education in madrassas will produce Ulul-albaab (Surah 3: 190-191), namely the mastery of science and technology that can be used in life with noble ahlak, lil alaminn rahmatan impact, which God promised would be increased in rank (Surah 58: 11) .
. Jean - Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1718)
His book Du de 'education, describe how the education of children from birth through adolescence.
According to Rousseau: "God created everything well; of human intervention makes it evil (God make every Things good, man meddles with Them and They changed from evil).
Rousseau suggested that "back to nature" or "back to nature", and the approach is natural in children's education, namely: "naturalism". Naturalism means, education would be obtained from nature, humans or objects, are naturally so that spur the development of quality, such as happiness, sportsmanship and curiosity. In practice naturalism reject uniform (dress code), the minimum basic skills standards, and strongly encourages freedom of children in learning.
Children given the innate potential (Surah 16: 78) is the potential for sensory (psychomotor), IQ, EQ and SQ. All human beings need to be grateful for debriefing from Allah SWT, with a competency is actualization.
. Heindrich Johann Pestalozzi (1746 - 1827)
In his book "Emile" he was very impressed with the "back to nature". He integrates home life, education, vocational and literacy education. Pestalozzi believes all forms of education is through the five senses and through experience the potential to be developed. Learning is best to know some concepts with the five senses. My mother was a hero in the world of education, which he did early in life children.
. Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel (1782 - 1852)
Froebel created the "Kindergarten" or kindergarten, so he made as "the father of early childhood." Froebel's view of education is associated with individual relationships, God and nature. It uses the park or garden belonging in Blankenburg Germany, as belonging to the child. Playing is a method of child education in "imitating" the life of adults with fair. Early childhood curriculum from Froebel include:
- Arts and expertise in construction, through games wax and clay, wooden blocks, paper cutting, weaving, paper folding, meronce with yarn, drawing and embroidery.
- Singing and game activities.
- Language and Arithmetic.
According to Froebel teacher is responsible for guiding, directing the child to be creative, with a planned and systematic curriculum.
Teacher is a class manager in charge of planning, organizing, motivating, guiding, supervising and evaluating the process or outcome of learning. Without systematic organization of early childhood programs that could endanger children.
. John Dewey (1859 - 1952)
John Dewey is a professor at the University of Chicago and Columbia (United States). Dewey's theory about the school is "Progressivism" is more emphasis on students and their interests than their own subjects. Then came the "Child Centered Curiculum", and "Child Centered School." Progressivism prepare today's children than the future unclear, as expressed by Dewey in his book "My Pedagogical Creed", that education is the process of life rather than preparation for the future. Application ideas Dewey, many children participate in physical activity, a new specialization.
Compare your opinion with the word Dewey tsb Prophet Muhammad "educate your children for its time which is not jamanmu"
. Maria Montessori (1870 - 1952)
As a physician and anthropologist Italy's first lady, she was interested in the retarded child's education, which proved the method can be used in normal children.
In 1907 he founded the school "Dei Bambini" or the homes of children in the slums of Rome. The Montessori method is the development of sensory skills to master science and technology to be organized in his mind, using specially designed equipment. Learning to read and write are taught simultaneously. Montessori believes children aged 2-6 years the fastest to learn to read and write. Criticism of Montessori is that less emphasis on language and social development, creativity, music and art.
Ijtihad with the correct result is worth two, when the results of its value one, while the imitation or following zero, so creative thinking was required by Allah SWT.
. McMiller Brothers
Rachel and Margaret set up the first Nursery School in London in 1911. the school is concerned with creativity and play, including art.
. Jean Piaget (1896 - 1980)
Swiss scientists are interested in learning science and thinking, although he himself was an expert in biology. According to Piaget there are three ways children learn something:
First, through social interaction, second, through interaction with the environment and physical knowledge, the Third, Logica Mathematical, through mental construction.
. Benjamin Bloom
Bloom (1964) studied the intelligence of children within a certain time period, which resulted taksanomi Bloom. Children's intelligence at the age of 15 years is the result of early childhood. This opinion is supported by Hunt who stated that early childhood impact on the further development of children's intelligence.
. David Werkart
Teaching methods using the principles:
- Provide a comfortable environment,
- Provide support to the child's behavior and language,
- Assist the child in determining the choices and decisions,
- Assist children in solving their own problems by doing it yourself.
Werkart founder of the High Scope Education (1989).
Services for Early Childhood
Early childhood: age 0-6 years. At the age of 0-2 years of physical growth of physical and brain growth through yandu (integrated services) between the Department of Health, Depsosial, BKKBN and the Ministry of Education. In early childhood program, Ministry of Education is expected to become "Leading Sector".
At the age of 2-4 years through child care services (TPA) or the Play Group. At the age of 4-6 years of service through kindergarten (TK - and TK A - B).
Personality and Cognitive Development of Early Childhood
. Erikson's Psychosocial development Theory
There are four levels of child development according to Erikson, namely:
First, the age of children 0-1 years of trust vs. mistrust. Parenting with a genuine affection in the fulfillment of basic needs of the baby lead to "trust" in infants to their environment. If on the contrary would cause "mistrust" of anxiety and suspicion on the environment.
Second, the age of 2-3 years, that is autonomy vs shame and doubt. Parenting through the encouragement to do what they want children, and in accordance with the time and his own way with the guidance of parents / teachers who are wise, then the child will develop awareness of autonomy. Conversely, if teachers can not wait, many prohibit child, causing hesitant attitude in children. Do not make the child feel ashamed.
Third, the age of 4-5 years, namely Initiative Vs Guilt, namely parenting by giving encouragement to experiment freely in the environment. Teachers and parents did not answer directly the question of children (remember her chaining method Gagne), then encourage children to take the initiative on the contrary, if the child is always blocked, question neglected child, the child will always feel guilty.
The four, aged 6-11 years, the Industry vs. inferiority, when a child is considered as a "child" either by parents, teachers and the environment, it will develop low self-esteem, the impact of children less likely to perform tasks that are intellectually, and less confident.
. Piaget's developmental theory Konitif
There are three stages of cognitive development of children according to Piaget, namely:
First, the sensory motor stage (ages 0-2 years) children get the experience of the body and senses.
Second, the preoperational stage. Children tried to control the symbols, (the words) and be able to express his experience, although it is not logical (pre-logical). At this time children are ego-centric, saw something of himself (perception centration), which is to see something from one trait, while other characteristics are ignored.
Third, the concrete operational stage. At this stage the child understands and thinks that is concrete yet abstract.
Fourth, the formal operational stage. At this stage children are able to think abstractly.
Early Childhood Curriculum
Kindergarten Curriculum was developed based on the integrated curriculum (integrated curriculum) with a thematic approach. The curriculum is organized by a topic or theme. Katz and Chard (1989) cited by Soemiarti Patmonodewo (2003) establish criteria for selecting a theme that is: be a link, the opportunity to apply the skills, the possibility of a source, the interests of teachers.
The materials to develop themes include:
a) the environment of children such as: home, family, school, game, myself.
b) Environment: garden, transportation, markets, shops, museums.
c) Events: August 17, Mother's Day, a marriage ceremony.
d) Place: highways, rivers, historic sites
e) Time: clock, calendar, and so forth.
Early Childhood Program
. Day Care or TPA (TPA), which serves as a complement to parental care. TPA is designed specifically with programs and facilities, to help child care for working mothers. Pastoral care takes the form of improved nutrition, development of intellectual, emotional and social development. Landfill in Indonesia have been developed in the form: TPA offices, residential landfill, industrial landfill, landfill plantation, TPA market. Now many emerging landfill family, held in homes.
. Integrated child development center that provides nutrition and health improvement services with the aim of improving the quality of life of children. In Indonesia, known as the Posyandu (integrated service post), which provides nutritious food services, immunization, child's body weight, health services by doctors, health checks family planning. Coaches and administrators are all volunteers who have previously received training.
. Mother and Child Education
The goal is education mothers who have young children, in terms of education and child care.
Patterns of education such as this developed into a Hippy (Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngster) Adult education in Israel with a group approach is also implemented by Indonesia, China, Jamaica, and Colombia.
In Indonesia, known as the BKB program, which is coordinated by the State Minister for Women Affairs and BKKBN with the help of UNICEF, conducted since 1980.
. Program Through Media
Media which can be used in print, TV, Radio, and Internet. In 1980 Venezuela with the media program known as "Project to Familia", with the aim to improve the intelligence of children from birth to age 6 years, which is given to the mother. Program through the current TV can raise far into remote villages.
. Program "From Children To Children"
Parenting sister by her brother occurred spontaneously. His brother taught about the importance of vaccination, nutrition, how to encourage younger dab to speak, invited to play, and feeding the younger brother, who then practiced at home. This pattern has several advantages including:
- The Big Brother, have gained the skills to be a parent with good parenting patterns.
- The brother was able to pass on his skills to their peers.
- Skills toddler had to be applied in their environment.
The program is conducted in formal schools by working with health centers, the BKKBN, the Ministry of Social and scout. This program is for the first time carried out in London.
. "Head Start" in America
The purpose of "Head Start" is to fight poverty, by helping children to prepare them to enter school. Head Start provides educational facilities, social, health, dental, nutrition and mental health of children who come from poor families.
. Kindergarten or Kindergarten
Froebel kindergarten is the fruit of the German mind, through the concept of learning through play is based on the interests of children, where children as a center for (child centered). The pattern of previous learning is teacher centered like that held in America by focusing on the subjects.
The Nebraska Department of Education in the United States to provide advice on both forms of TK are:
- There is a partnership schools and parents in providing learning experiences for children.
- Experience of children should be designed to occur exploration and discovery, not just sit down with paper on the desk.
- Children learn through play equipment.
- Children learn to love books and language through story with its own language.
- Children perform activities of daily exercise gross motor and fine, with running, jumping, bouncing balls, sewing, cards, playing with candles,
- Children practice develop mathematical logic, with play sand, unit blocks, calculating tool,.
- Children practice develop curiosity about nature, through experimental observations and draw conclusions.
- Children know a variety of musical rhythms and tools.
- Children practice like art.
All kindergarten activities designed to develop a positive self image, and attitude both on friends and school; to play as a medium of learning.
Some of the Implementation Model TK
Care for kids can be either home based or center based. There are three models based centers.
a) Model Montessori
For the first time, a model Montessori school was established in 1907 in Breka in Italy, and several years later developed in Europe.
Some of the Montessori philosophy of learning, namely:
- Absorbent minds (recall that permeated)
- The Prepared environment (limgkungan prepared).
- Sensitive period (sensitive period)
The tools used in the Montessori model of education is divided into four groups, namely:
- Tool development skills, to foster self-discipline, independence, concentration and confidence.
- Tool development to refine the sensory function of sensory function.
- Academic development tools, such as letters that can be embedded on the board.
- Tools artistic development-oriented culture, so that children learn to love and appreciate music, studying art and music harmony.
In the Montessori model, children are free to choose activities, which relate to "auto - education" where children have to educate yourself without the dictation of teachers.
Overall, according to the American Montessori Society (1984), the goal of Montessori education are:
- Development of concentration,
- Skills observes,
- Alignment to understand the levels and sequences,
- Coordination of perception and awareness in the conduct of practical skills.
- The concept of a mathematical nature,
- Skills to read and write,
- Language skills,
- Become familiar with the creative arts,
- Understanding the natural world environment,
- Understanding the social sciences,
- Experienced in solving problems
b) Model Behavior
The model is based on the theory of John B. Watson, E Thorn and BF Skinner, who believed that behavior can be formed with "stimulus" and "response", and "operant conditioning". Behavior is controlled by a "reward" and "punishment". This model is less attention to physical and emotional development, because they suggest that the child will get "Self Esteem" if the child succeed in his intellectual achievement.
c) Model interactionist
This model is based on the theory of Piaget, for example, is the program "The High Scope" developed by David Weikart, "Educating the Young Thinker" developed by Irvan Siegel in "Piaget of Early Education" developed by Contance Kamii and Rheta DeVries.
According to Piaget, learning is a process that is based on "Intrinsic Motivation". Ability to think grown to stage abstract and logical thinking.
The purpose of this model is to stimulate all areas of child development, physical, social, emotional and cognitive development, all of which are considered equally important.
Kamii and DeVries (1979) states that education should aim at long term, a development of the whole personality, intellectual and moral.
Piaget stated that the purpose of education is to prepare human beings capable of making something new, creative, inventive, with good reasoning, critical, and not just repeat and imitate something that has happened previously.
Playing For Learning
Playing is learning in kindergarten, in the form of free play, play with the guidance and directed play. The forms of play include social play, play with objects and socio-dramatic play.
Social play consisted of playing alone (solitary play), play where the child only as a spectator (onlooker play), parallel play (parallel play), play associative (associative play) and play cooperative (cooperative play).
Development and Play Behavior
Baby playing in the sensory motor level, by exploring the human body and encountered, and investigate. At the end of one year of age he began playing with Ciluk - Ba. Then he played with using the tool, and at the age of school before he played a constructive, with objects and some rules. Children aged 3 years to play with a role as a family. Children can play by the rules, at the age of 7-12 years and showed that he was at the stage of concrete operations.
Parents and early childhood relationships
Parents are the first teachers for their children. If there is cooperation between parents and children will result in:
- Improved self-concept in the elderly and children,
- Increased motivation to learn, and
- Improved learning outcomes.
Parental involvement, there are three possibilities, namely:
- Orientation to the task.
- Orientation to the process.
- The orientation of the development.
Communication between school and parents can be formal or informal communication, home visits, parent meetings, and newsletters.
from :Drs. H. Agus Ruslan, M.MPd
Teacher of Darul Ma'arif BandungBoarding School
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