Posted on | Monday, March 28, 2011 | No Comments

1. The development and Early Childhood Environments

Early age is a very important age for children's development so-called golden age. Early childhood development really begins since prenatal. At that time, brain development as the central intelligence occur very rapidly. After birth, brain cells have myelination and form a complex braid (embassy) so that later the child can think logically and rationally. In addition to the brain, sensory organs such as the listener, sight, smell, taste, palpability, and the organ of balance as well growing rapidly (Black, J. et all., 1995; Gesell, AL & Ames, F., 1940). Little by little children can absorb information from their environment through the organ sensory and processing it using their brains. This development thus importance so that ample attention from the experts psychology / education, which states that education for early childhood  must be adapted to the growth and development. Principle is called the practices appropriate to the child's development (Developmentally Appropriate practice or DAP) (Bredekamp, ​​S., 1987). By therefore, to be able to nurture and guide children effectively, an early childhood teacher should master the essence of childhood development

William Stern in Semiawan, C. (2002) speaks of the theory convergence that put forward a combination of genetic factors and environmental influences as well as launching the concept that a child born as a unity 8 multiplex, which was born as individuals who have more than one talent. This concept is reinforced by the theory of Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences (2003). According to Gardner, children usually have more than one form intelligence, but very rare child who has the eighth form intelligence. The emergence of new thinking about development children, the conventional thinking about early childhood education  at generally still left from tabularasa theory continues to experience renewal.

New thinking is famous among other schools of constructivism based on the theory of cognitive development Piaget, Vygotsky contextual, psychosocial Erik Erikson, Smilansky play activities, and Bronfenbrenner about the socialization of children in the context of ecology. The theory of this ecological study interrelation between humans and the environment. There are 4 (four) basic structure concept, namely the micro, meso, exo and macro (Bronfenbrenner in Berns, 1997). Micro Systems is a family and the relationship between family members. When children get bigger and go to school so he are in the meso system. Exo system is the setting in which children are not participate actively but exposed to the influence of various systems such as job parents, friends and parents as well as workplace environments other communities. Macro System for talking about culture, lifestyle and community where the child is located. All systems are mutually pengaruhmempengaruhi and the impact of various changes in child development. Therefore, all components of the system influence of parenting (nurturing) and education of children in a holistic manner (Berns, R.M, 1997, 4 ed.) New paradigm in early childhood education emphasizes on the handling of nurturing by all parties with respect to pertumbuhkembangan children who are unique plural unity and direction.

In the process, children have different needs, which need to be met, namely primary needs that include food, clothing, and 'Board', as well as affection, attention, safety, and respect for himself as the theory of needs of Maslow (1978). Fulfillment these needs will enable children get the opportunity actualize himself, and this can bring the trigger for develop the full potential intact. Meeting the needs of this development a lot depending on how the environment interacts with children. Child development is determined by various environmental functions which interact with individuals, through approaches that are give attention, affection and the opportunity to self actualize in accordance with their level and their development needs (Developmentally
Appropriate Practice, Horowitz, et al. 2005)
the quotation from : Satryo Soemantri


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